Dmytro Gordon's mentoring program
"THE INNER Circle"

This is not just training or education. It's a practical application of Dmytro Gordon's and his friends' experience in your life and business.
Take part

What does the mentoring program consist of?

Personal analysis from
Dmytro Gordon

We will identify focus points and set specific goals for the quarter and the year.

Meetings with Dmytro Gordon

Every month in an online format on the problems and questions that you will face when implementing the prescribed plan.

Work with a professional coach and psychologist

They will help you discover your inner resources, provide support and motivation to achieve your personal and professional goals.

Access to Dmytro Gordon's
contact book

If Dmytro deems it necessary to introduce
you to someone.

Meetings with friends and experts of Dmytro Gordon

Meetings with Dmytro Gordon's friends and experts

Group mastermind with program participants

This group will become your closest people during the program. You will change and achieve your goals together.

Curator of the process

It will help you pass the program, constantly monitor your current requests and problems.

General chat with program participants

For acquaintance and mutual support.
Take part

Friends and experts include — outstanding people with incredible experience

Євген Комаровський
Лікар, блогер і телеведучий
Маргулан Сейсембаєв
Казахстанський мільярдер, підприємець, інвестор
Ігор Ніконов
Провідний забудовник, власник української девелоперської компанії KAN Developmen
Evgeny Komarovskyi
Doctor, blogger and TV presenter
Margulan Seisembayev
Kazakh billionaire,
entrepreneur, investor
Igor Nikonov
Leading developer, owner of
the Ukrainian development
company KAN Development
Борис Тодуров
Видатний кардіохірург, заслужений лікар України, директор Національного інституту серця
Анна Буткевич
Член Наглядової ради АТБ,
співзасновниця благодійного
фонду BGV Charity Fund, меценат
Оля Полякова
Українська співачка,
блогерка і телеведуча
Boris Todurov
Outstanding cardiac surgeon, honored doctor of Ukraine,
director of the National
Heart Institute
Anna Butkevich
Member of the ATB Supervisory Board,
co-founder of the BGV Charity Fund,
Olya Polyakova
Ukrainian singer, blogger and
TV presenter
Margulan Seisembayev
Kazakh billionaire, entrepreneur, investor
Evgeny Komarovskyi
Doctor, blogger and TV presenter
Igor Nikonov
Leading developer, owner of the Ukrainian development company KAN Development
Anna Butkevich
Member of the ATB
Supervisory Board, co-founder of the
BGV Charity Fund, philanthropist
Boris Todurov
Outstanding cardiac surgeon, honored
doctor of Ukraine, director of the National Heart Institute
Olya Polyakova
Ukrainian singer, blogger and TV presenter

Choose a program


Analysis by Dmytro Gordon
All program materials
Work with a professional psychologist and coach
Chat with participants
Direct communication with Dmytro
Possibility to take +1 (wife, partner, employee)
A one-on-one meeting with Dmytro Gordon
Additional 3 months of support (work with a psychologist and coach)
Find out the details

Scale Plus

Analysis by Dmytro Gordon
All program materials
Work with a professional psychologist and coach
Chat with participants
Direct communication with Dmytro
Possibility to take +1 (wife, partner, employee)
A one-on-one meeting with Dmytro Gordon
Additional 3 months of support (work with a psychologist and coach)
Find out the details